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It is the age of worldwide web (www) where you can communicate with people from any corner of the globe. And as far as business activities are concerned, the best way is to search on the business-to-business portals (B2B portals). Really these B2B portals have made things simpler these days. By providing all kinds of information that are useful for business concerns, these portals are creating a supply chains. If you are planning to import a particular kind of product from Kolkata you can get to know in detail about all people who export it from Kolkata. Similarly if an exporter in Kolkata wants to start business in any other city, he or she can get to know about all importers in that city simply by clicking on the B2B portals. After logging on to aB2B portal you will find several sections there. Your job is simple. Just click on the section you need. If you are searching for exporters in Kolkata, click on that category. And if you, as an exporter in Kolkata, want business concerns all over the world to know about your operations, get the membership of a B2B portal today and enroll your name, profile and all necessary details. You will surely be benefited