Kolkata based b2b portal........@

If you are in exporters business and eyeing a new center, Kolkata could be the ideal place for you and www.ebizzkolkata.com provide allkind of help to you.

Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal is among the largest and most well-developed cities in India. The city is home to billions of people, belonging to different religious communities as well as companies engaged in different types of businesses. Availability of all kinds of transportation facilities and cheap labour has turned Kolkata into a major center for commercial operations. The city is home to several companies that have import and export business and is attracting more and more interstate and international firms to commence operation from here. Goods worth Lakhs of rupees are imported and exported from the port and airport in Kolkata and the volume is likely to increase as new companies are eyeing the city as their new base of operation.

Though industries in West Bengal are way behind than those in other states, there is huge international demand for crops, goods and products that are grown, made and manufactured here. There are lots of companies in different parts of the world that import goods from firms in Kolkata on a regular basis. Exporters in Kolkata are earning good amount of revenues from the international market these days, thanks to the good quality of the products that they export.

If you own a company having operation anywhere outside Kolkata, you may opt for importing goods from Kolkata. But the question is how you would get to know about the exporters in Kolkata. There are several companies that sell same types of goods and products. So how will you be sure of importing the best quality? Before you start importing goods from Kolkata you must create a database of exporters in Kolkata. Well, doing that is not so difficult as it may seem to be. Thanks to internet, you can now get all necessary information regarding exporters in Kolkata within a while. No need to search in the ‘yellow pages’ because it is time consuming and the information that they provide are not regularly updated as is done in internet. Moreover there is a question of availability. Internet, on the other hand, is a 24 x 7 service and you can get access to all information at any time.