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Reduction of cost is also a huge issue for business organizations in the current situation s the world is witnessing huge recession. It has become very much important for the companies to curtail cost so that the level of revenue earning remains steady. Properly designed and promoted B2B portals are playing a significant role in that sphere too. These portals are actually helping organizations to streamline their businesses and building more productive and distribution networks. Moreover fast recovery of money from the market, which is very much essential these days has also become easier as all entities of a business like manufacturers, suppliers, traders, wholesalers and distributors are well connected with each other.

For its huge utility, specially in the present scenario of global financial crunch, the he popularity of the B2B portals has grown rapidly. To earn more and more revenue, business concerns are now targeting the global market and in their way they are getting great help from these B2B portals. In the recent times hundreds of B2B portals have come up all over the world are providing great services to people. So if you are a businessman and planning to build up a steady supply chain management for enhancing your business growth and ensure fast recovery of money the best way for you is to become member of a B2B portal. But before becoming the member you should understand the features and functionalities of these B2B portals.

Selection of proper criterion: Selection of proper criterion is very important for a member of a B2B portal. If you are a manufacturer your profile must be on the ‘manufacturer’ section of a particular B2B portal. If you select a wrong criteria, i.e., put your profile on ‘supplier’ section one cannot view your profile.