kolkata yellow pages......@

If you are in leather importers business and eyeing anew center, Kolkata could be the ideal place for you and www.ebizzkolkata.com provide allkind of help to you.

Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal is among the five metropolitans in India and also one of the largest centers of commercial operations in the eastern part of India. Lot of national and international companies have their business operations here and in the recent times the city has attracted several foreign firms to start trading here. Kolkata is a large city and business centers are scattered all over it. There are several big markets in different parts of the city where trade deal worth lakhs of rupees take place everyday. Thousands of people in Kolkata earn their bread and butter from export and import businesses. Especially for import traders, Kolkata is a great center as the demand for interstate and international goods and products are always on a high here.

Different types of goods and products that are parts of people’s everyday life are imported by traders in Kolkata in bulk quantities everyday. Leather is one among those. The demand for leather products and accessories always remain on a high in Kolkata and with more and more influence of western culture on the lifestyle and fashion of the city people, the demand is non a continuous rise. Kolkata is home to hundreds of leather importers who earn huge profit from the sale of leather accessories in the city markets. The multi-utility of leather is the main reason behind this growing demand. Apart from jackets and hand gloves for using in the winter, people use leather in the form of shoes, bags, waist belts, wallets, wristwatch bands, spect cases and mobile phone cases. One can always notice crowd outside shops in Kolkata that sell all these leather accessories.

Though there are some tanneries in the outskirts of Kolkata, a major percentage of leather accessories that are sold in the city markets are imported from other states and countries. For leather exporters Kolkata is like a treasure box. There are hundreds of leather exporters in different parts of India and the world who have been maintaining strong business relations with Kolkata for several decades. If you are in leather exporting business, you too can make your balance sheet look better by starting operations in Kolkata.